Nice day yesterday, pretty warm. T-shirt weather for me, but lots of people were still in down coats. After the gym, I headed to Frisco for groceries, dog food and to stop and see Marty. I had about four stops, so I finally made it home right before 3. Then at 4, we headed out to a dance recital at VMS as Cora, our 14-year-old neighbor girl down the street, and Violet, Davy and Abby’s daughter, were both in it. It was fun but two and a half hours. Tonight, we have a record release party for this husband-and-wife duo from Nashville that now live here half the year. They’re pretty good and are really nice people. Their album was released on Mom’s birthday a couple days ago.
Ty has the day off and was playing a game online with Jagger last night at 8, when we called on the way home from the dance recital. Not sure if we’ll go to the gym this morning, might take a break.
Friday a press release went out Worldwide about our merger on the Bocelli brand. I won’t post the entire release here, but here’s the link if you’re interested. Good stuff.
Nuggets won which we needed. Another week until the Super Bowl. Lots going on behind the scenes here. Working away on our new Company and Lori is continuously fighting for change at her work. She actually is one of those that does make a difference. We think her head is a little better from her therapy. Hope it continues to get better.
Guess we are going to the gym so time to go. I just got the word from the misses. I could go either way today.
Have a great Groundhog Day! As a sign of never-ending lunacy on the left, PETA wants to outlaw Groundhog Day and replace it with a reveal cake. Check this out, you won’t believe it. Instead of Phil, PETA has offered to send a vegan “weather reveal” cake, similar to a gender reveal cake, each Groundhog Day. The proposed cake when cut would show one of two colors: blue, signifying six more weeks of winter, or pink, indicating an early spring. The left is out of their minds and show no signs of getting better. It’s comical at this point, wow. And people send money to these loonies.
Have a great day, be well, stay safe and God Bless.