Friday the 13th is not what most people think. It goes back hundreds of years, and a lot of people consider it an unlucky day. One of the earliest events on Friday, October 13, 1307, was when officers of King Philip IV of France arrested hundreds of the Knights Templar, a powerful religious and military order formed in the 12th century for the defense of the Holy Land. (you can click on anything highlighted to learn more)
Imprisoned on charges of various illegal behaviors (but really because the king wanted access to their financial resources), many Templars were later executed. Some cite the link with the Templars as the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition, but like many legends involving the Templars and their history, the truth remains murky.
In more recent times, a number of traumatic events have occurred on Friday the 13th, including the German bombing of Buckingham Palace (September 1940); the murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York (March 1964); a cyclone that killed more than 300,000 people in Bangladesh (November 1970); the disappearance of a Chilean Air Force plane in the Andes (October 1972); the death of rapper Tupac Shakur (September 1996) and the crash of the Costa Concordia cruise ship off the coast of Italy, which killed 30 people (January 2012). You can pick just about any day and find bad stuff that happened, but there you have it.
Today, September 13th, is Marty and Clark’s and Ava’s birthday, as well as Roger’s who is Dixie’s nephew in California. He’s 82 or 83 years old today. Ava is 22. Marty has a doctor appointment in Denver at 3 and then I think he and Melanie are going to dinner. Not sure what Jag and Ava are doing. We’re going to dinner with Marci and Gerry tonight.
Cigar night was fun last night. James is gone the next two weeks with four shows in Mexico City. Most people don’t know but it’s above 7000 feet in elevation! Harder to sing and run around on stage at that altitude.
103 days until Christmas! Normally Tom would be shopping by now but today he’s closing on his new house today and is pretty busy purging! So you can see, lots going on today on Friday the 13th!
Ty is off to Denver this afternoon for the night. He’ll be back tomorrow. I need to run over to Buena Vista to the 1000-yard range to sight in a rifle for antelope hunting. Not sure when I’ll do that. Maybe next week sometime.
That’s it. Good football this weekend. Time to get moving as it’s 7:30 now. Have a great day and a great weekend, God Bless.