
Leaving at 6:30 this morning to take Lori to work and then get her windshield replaced in Frisco. I should be back by 11 at the latest. Ty had his fixed yesterday.

Speaking of Ty, I think he wants to move back to Denver. He’s found an apartment by Denver West which is near our old neighborhood. I told him just make sure he has a job before he moves. Not sure where he can make the money he makes up here, but he is 20 years old and can make his own decisions.

Rockies won again last night! Sorry sis. Broncos look like they have a rough stretch ahead of them. We’ll see. Maybe they’ll get it together.

Lots going on at work. Weather is changing this weekend. The heat kicked on last night in the house. Won’t be long.

That’s it, time to get moving. Have a great Wednesday and God Bless.

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Last night I turned the sprinklers off for the year. We’ve been getting enough rain, so we no longer need to spend the money. It’s 5am now and just started raining this morning. The Fall colors are kicking into gear. On my way to Denver, I noticed the colors in specific spots, and by the time I headed home in the afternoon, things had changed. That’s how quick it happens.

On my way up the mountain, I stopped at Tom’s new house. It’s great! Lots of room and has character too. I like older houses. We look every day on Zillow. Tom was having a bed or something delivered so I needed to leave pretty quick so I wasn’t trapped by the delivery truck. Holly had two friends there. Tom’s neighbor across the street, and some other girl. Holly seemed all immersed in setting up the new house. We’re happy for them. I did tell Tom, get a prenup! He’s always been smart with money, and really none of my business, but I throw in my 2 cents, whether he likes it or not. That’s what older brothers do. Besides, Mom would say the same thing, so I’m just channeling her, ha.

One of the coolest things about the house is the yard! He has a little pasture off to the side of the backyard. It has a little shed that he said was a goat shed. Not sure what kind of animals he can have there, but if it was me, I’d get some. Anyhow, cool house, and I’m really happy for Tom. He deserves it.

Ty is headed to Frisco to get his windshield fixed this morning. I’m headed there tomorrow morning after dropping Lori at work to get hers fixed. October 1st her car gets a software update, and her winter tires put back on for the season, down in Denver.

I talked to Robi yesterday and they’re doing fine. The Rockies beat the Diamondbacks 3 to 2 in the bottom of the 9th last night. Sorry sis. The Rockies are only spoilers at this point, as they are every year.

I’m off to the gym and Lori is headed to Vail for work. Have a great Tuesday, God Bless

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Off to Denver

This morning I’m headed to Denver. Should be on the road by 6:30. I was going tomorrow but I think it’s supposed to rain so I thought I’d knock it out today.

Yesterday we went to Vail for the farmer’s market. 30 minutes after we arrived it began to rain so Marty, Mel, Lori and I headed to our house to hang out and have some lunch. The football game was on and our rookie qb is still in the learning stage. You have to have patience. I watched a little of the night game and the number one overall pick threw two interceptions as well.

Ty worked late yesterday. Lori is in Vail at 7:30 this morning as it’s Dr. B’s first day back from teaching for 2 weeks in Greece and Barcelona. Fall is coming next weekend. Get ready.

Speaking of getting ready, 5:39am now so time to go. Have a great day and God Bless.

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Great Game

Rarely does trash talking not come back to bite you. Last night, true to form, it did again. CSU players, their coach and just about everyone else in Ft. Collins were talking crap. Well, CU came out and spanked them. It was so much fun to watch. The funny thing is, their quarterback was still talking trash, to arguably the #1 pick in the NFL draft next year, during the game! Guess they’re not too smart academically either. Great game, great win and in the end, the score tells you all you need to know.

Yesterday morning at 8am, Lori and I headed to the storage unit to go through the remaining boxes and containers of stuff. We went through everything and brought home what we want to keep. Lots of stuff from when the kids were little, some handmade baby clothes from Mom’s friend in Wisconsin, and a bunch of old ski coats that look like they’re out of the 1980’s! The rest will go away to relatives or people that’ll use it, or the dump. It feels good when you start something (especially purging), and get it done.

The rest of the day we hung around the house. Lori made some homemade chicken chili. She made her own tomato sauce instead of using canned tomato’s which are always salty. She took fresh tomatoes and put them in the food processor. It turned out really good, with sort of a Mexican flare. It’ll be one of our “go to” dishes, especially once it gets colder.

This morning we’re headed to the gym and then are meeting Marty and Melanie at Oktoberfest before the Bronco game. Marty has the all clear for hunting and will have his surgery October 14th when we get back. He’s really happy as he didn’t want to miss our trip.

Nice outside, bordering on Fall. Soon the colors will be changing. The news says it’s 40 in Eagle right now. Probably the high 30’s up here with 70’s in the forecast today. Love it!

In politics, Kamala is a train wreck whenever they let her speak without a teleprompter. Wow, ABC in Philadelphia even edited her 3-minute rambling answer to a simple question. It still got out though and is all over social media. Say what you will about Trump, but this woman is in no way qualified to be President. God help us and those that are dumb enough to vote for her. The pic below pretty much sums things up. Have a great Sunday and Go Broncos! God Bless.

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Storage Unit

Today Lori and I are headed to the storage unit to start purging there. We’ll try to get through the boxes and bags of papers and smaller things, leaving the furniture alone. Most of it will sadly end up in the dump, if we can’t give it away.

Yesterday I picked up some eggs and then washed the truck after going to a couple auto parts stores. Ty was home in the morning before heading off to Denver for the night.

Marty had a positive appointment at the doctor. They’re going to do surgery mid-October. He’s thrilled with that as now he can go hunting with us. When he goes in, he’ll be in for four days and then have about 2 weeks of recovery. All in all, great news.

Last night we had a fun dinner with Gerry and Marci. We were home by about 8:30. The food was great, but restaurant food is so salty. We all split a couple desserts which were really rich. Not sure why I had that! Sugar is the worst drug out there. I know I shouldn’t have it, but it sucks you right in.

Busy week next week. I’m in Denver Tuesday, and Lori has her colonoscopy on Friday. Then Saturday Greg and Jae are coming up to pick up some of Dixie’s things from our garage, and some of Mom’s antiques from the storage unit. I have a few meetings during the week too.

Nice and cool outside at 7am. Feels good. Soon it’ll be downright cold. Fall colors are starting to show up. Time to make an appointment to get Lori’s snow tires put on that are in storage down at the Porsche dealer. Ty gets a new windshield Tuesday and Lori’s car gets a new one Wednesday. Jag finally got his car back yesterday.

That’s it, time to get moving. Have a great mid-September day and God Bless.

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Friday the 13th!

Friday the 13th is not what most people think. It goes back hundreds of years, and a lot of people consider it an unlucky day. One of the earliest events on Friday, October 13, 1307, was when officers of King Philip IV of France arrested hundreds of the Knights Templar, a powerful religious and military order formed in the 12th century for the defense of the Holy Land. (you can click on anything highlighted to learn more)

Imprisoned on charges of various illegal behaviors (but really because the king wanted access to their financial resources), many Templars were later executed. Some cite the link with the Templars as the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition, but like many legends involving the Templars and their history, the truth remains murky.

In more recent times, a number of traumatic events have occurred on Friday the 13th, including the German bombing of Buckingham Palace (September 1940); the murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York (March 1964); a cyclone that killed more than 300,000 people in Bangladesh (November 1970); the disappearance of a Chilean Air Force plane in the Andes (October 1972); the death of rapper Tupac Shakur (September 1996) and the crash of the Costa Concordia cruise ship off the coast of Italy, which killed 30 people (January 2012). You can pick just about any day and find bad stuff that happened, but there you have it.

Today, September 13th, is Marty and Clark’s and Ava’s birthday, as well as Roger’s who is Dixie’s nephew in California. He’s 82 or 83 years old today. Ava is 22. Marty has a doctor appointment in Denver at 3 and then I think he and Melanie are going to dinner. Not sure what Jag and Ava are doing. We’re going to dinner with Marci and Gerry tonight.

Cigar night was fun last night. James is gone the next two weeks with four shows in Mexico City. Most people don’t know but it’s above 7000 feet in elevation! Harder to sing and run around on stage at that altitude.

103 days until Christmas! Normally Tom would be shopping by now but today he’s closing on his new house today and is pretty busy purging! So you can see, lots going on today on Friday the 13th!

Ty is off to Denver this afternoon for the night. He’ll be back tomorrow. I need to run over to Buena Vista to the 1000-yard range to sight in a rifle for antelope hunting. Not sure when I’ll do that. Maybe next week sometime.

That’s it. Good football this weekend. Time to get moving as it’s 7:30 now. Have a great day and a great weekend, God Bless.

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Up early

These days, I get up early. Usually around 5:30 but was up and making coffee at 5am this morning. I like the mornings. Seeing the sun come up is rejuvenating. Lori is still sleeping.

I was taking Lori’s car in today to get her windshield replaced but rescheduled for next Wednesday. I didn’t want to drive over the pass in the afternoon with the road construction. I have a morning appointment next week. Ty is getting his windshield replaced next Tuesday. Just a way of life in the mountains.

I’m loving my clean garage. More work to do in the basement today. Ty came home for a bit and cleaned his room yesterday. He works today.

Taxes due this weekend. What a joke. We pay and pay and get nothing in return. I’m almost back to my pre-Oklahoma weight! Man, it’s taken a good 4 days to get there. Football tonight. Not sure who’s playing, but it’s still football.

I need to get out to the range for some long-range practice. Could be 400- or 500-yard shots antelope hunting in October. I’ll check with James today as we should probably go before he heads out to Mexico City for the last four shows of the tour. Davy needs to go with us too, as well as Marty, if he’s not recuperating from surgery. I think they’re trying to get him in early next week. He’s so bummed that this has happened. I’m doing my best each day to keep his spirits up. He has some CT scans tomorrow to see what’s happening.

Lori is single handily feeding all the birds in the neighborhood. They’re all the little birds and they also love the bird bath and splash around like little kids in a swimming pool. Won’t be long before the deer and elk are in the backyard eating the grass.

Some school districts are closed today due to anonymous threats on social media. These first popped up a few days ago and are in multiple States. You can tell the person making the threats is foreign born as the grammar in their posts is choppy and incorrect. Seems like a coordinated effort to disrupt things and make headlines. Still, better safe than sorry. What a World. It’s like we live daily in a war zone. Sort of like Mexico has been for decades. Shootings, kidnappings, robberies, assaults, and more, can happen at any time, and anywhere. Nice.

Tom is busy purging too. Think he closes on the new digs tomorrow! Exciting!

5:33am now, time to move and groove. Make it a great day and God Bless.

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Today is the anniversary of 9/11. Tragic day in our Country’s history. God bless all those American’s who lost their lives.

Last night was the anticipated debate. Kamala was never questioned by the moderators. It was like Trump was debating 3 people. She did better than I thought she would, but didn’t change our minds in any way. She’s basically a pathological liar. I’m confident that the American people saw this too and are not happy about it. She actually didn’t answer a single question. She kept pivoting to attacking Trump in a condescending way. In the end, I think those that like Trump, still like Trump and those that like Kamala still like her. I couldn’t stand the faces she made all night long, so uppity. Hope Trump wins, or America as we know it, will die.

Yesterday I decided to clean the garage. I managed to get 3/4’s of it cleaned out. The rest is just storage containers stacked to the ceiling. Feels good to get that done. Then it was off to Costco, recycling, the Post Office, and Ace Hardware and City Market.

Lori made it home around 4:30. We’re off to the gym at 6:30am this morning. Then hopefully we’ll get to the storage unit. Have a great day, take care, be safe and God Bless.

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Minor setback

Yesterday I took Marty down to have his drain removed. Unfortunately, his drain was leaking or something, so the PA said they need to leave it in for another two to four weeks. He was of course bummed, but I told him to look at the bright side and explained what that was. Hopefully he’ll get some better news today from the doctor.

I left around 11 and was home around 4 or 4:30. I was talking to Tom and said how I really wasn’t up for another drive, but you do what you have to do.

Today I might try to get over to the storage unit to start purging it. We’re getting everything out of there by the end of the month, one way or another.

Yesterday was the 7 year anniversary of Mom passing away. I had it on my calendar but forgot about it at 6am. Of course, I remembered a couple hours later. Hard to believe it’s been 7 years. Tom pointed out how many people have passed away in August. Dad, Dixie, Ally, and others. Not a fun month. All you can do is remember the good times.

We’re sort of at a crossroads of deciding if we’re going to move next year or the year after and just when we should stop working. Marty is really there with his recent health scare. He’s all in on finding property where we can grow vegetables and raise animals as his whole problem came from a bad gut. Gut health is the key to longevity and health. Apparently, your body wants 30 different vegetables a week!

I’d like to make a couple million dollars before calling it a day. I have a plan, so we’ll see how it goes. One thing is for sure, there’s more to life than work. We’ll see what happens.

Have a great day, GB.

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Good trip, fun time. Made it back in 9 hours which included about 45 minutes to an hour of stops. We left around 5:15am Oklahoma time, or 4:15am Colorado time. I took a different route up to I-70 in Kansas which saved me about 30 minutes.

The drive was fine, but 9 hours in a car is a long one. We made it home around 1:30 and I think I went to sleep around 7.

It was a great time. Good to connect with everyone and as Lori said, her Mom would have been happy.

I need to drive Marty down to St. Anthony’s today at noon to have his drain removed. Not excited about it, but his wife is out of town. Should be home by dinner time as his procedure is at 1:30.

We’re off to the gym. Not a lot of good food choices in the Midwest. No Whole Foods there. Need to get back to our healthy eating ways. Here’s a couple pics from the weekend. Not sure why they are so grainy. The first one is the gate to the little cemetery, the second, lovely Lori and the third is where the old farmhouse was which was built in the late 1800’s. Lori and Kristin also did a video like we did for my mom which is a montage of her life with pictures and music. Tom and Robi, I’m going to send you a link to Mom’s as I had Kristin resend it to me, just so you have it.

That’s it, boys are fine. Have a good week and God Bless.

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