Monthly Archives: April 2011

The Wind

The boys both headed of to soccer….of course they had to check out the cold and the wind before they would put on four layers of clothing.  It is very cold and with the wind chill the temperature feels like … Continue reading

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Random Acts Of Kindness

This week is “Random acts of kindness” week. While the boys were at school yesterday I went to the nursery and picked up a few plants for the boys to plant.  The boys quietly went into Grandma’s pasture planted two … Continue reading

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NFL Draft!

Today the NFL draft begins at 8pm EST. Everyone seems really excited about some wedding tomorrow (not sure who’s getting married) but I’m excited about the NFL draft. The Broncos have the #2 pick and I sure hope they don’t … Continue reading

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3 Days Off

I am off for the next 3 days, so…….spring cleaning and playroom here I come! It’s a bit cool this morning, but the sky is clear blue, dotted with just a few pale pink clouds. The sun is peaking over … Continue reading

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Tired Tuesday

I’m very tired this morning as I was up until 11:30 last night and woke up at 5ish. It’s cool outside this morning and might even snow tonight. I guess we shouldn’t complain as whenever you turn on the news … Continue reading

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The Morning After

Good morning, it’s a bit cool and overcast so far, but it’s early and in Colorado you just have to wait 5 minutes for the weather to change. I got the boys to school and gave Bunkie his shot….now the … Continue reading

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Happy Easter

It’s 6:50 am and we got home around 11pm last night with the boys still awake. They hung in there and refused to go to sleep at Uncle T and Aunt B’s until we arrived to pick them up. Although … Continue reading

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It’s Snowing, kind of

6:30am and if you look closely, it’s snowing just a bit. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be fairly chilly for late April. Today we have soccer and tonight dinner at our good friend’s (former lawyer, now judge) house. This … Continue reading

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Earth Day

My Mom arrived home about 6pm last night after a 12 hour drive from Arizona. She looked good, a bit tired but good. It seems 2 months in the Phoenix sun gave her a slight bronze color that the rest … Continue reading

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Too Early

It’s completely dark outside this morning. The birds are chirping and I am sure if we had chickens and a rooster the rooster would be crowing right about now.  The mister and I woke up every hour on the hour … Continue reading

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