The Wind

The boys both headed of to soccer….of course they had to check out the cold and the wind before they would put on four layers of clothing.  It is very cold and with the wind chill the temperature feels like it is in the teens.  I can’t believe their games did not get canceled….it is much to cold  to be playing a game outside….not to mention the advantage the team with the wind to their back will have.

The kids have a conflicting schedule with a birthday party this afternoon…however, I told the youngest that his first commitment is to his team and if the game is cancelled he may go to the party. Oh how hard life can be for a 7 year old. I really hope they cancel his game..the party is for a neighbor boy that he plays with almost everyday and I hate to disappoint him when our little guy doesn’t make it.

Auntie B came by with a “Random act of kindness” yesterday. She brought over some much needed pooch ear wash. You see, our Lab gets an ear infection every time she eats something other than her kibble….and since she is a stealth trash diver and has a hunting nose for leftovers, she almost always has an ear infection.  Thank you Auntie B…I used it last night and she seems to be on the mend.

Hallelujah….the playroom that was once condemned is now clean! It only took 6 hours and 2 hefty lawn bags to get it done.  I really wanted to give up and just toss everything in there, but I sorted and cleaned and made a pile to donate….and voila….it is inhabitable again.  I have set some ground rules to keep it “Clean”; we will see if cleanliness truly is next to Godliness….I am praying that it is!

I have a couple of precious toys set aside that the boys have not played with in a while….. most likely because they could not see nor find them in their playroom. My plan is to take them to one of the Shelters in town along with some canned and dried goods next week while I am off…maybe on my birthday…that would be a nice gift for them to give to me. (I know..a touch selfish on my part).  I want them to understand that giving something away can feel just as good…if not better…..than getting something.  I hope it works.

The Mister “Rocks”, he took both boys to the early game and will then get them ready for the afternoon game.  He also shopped for our groceries while I was immersed in the playroom and bathrooms….he made a delicious dinner and did all of the dishes while I finished up laundry.  It’s amazing how far teamwork can go.  Thank you my husband for all of your help yesterday, today and all of the days since I started this new job.  I love you!

Our furry friends got their walk yesterday… it will have to be the ball for exercise today since I am short on time this morning and it is way too cold!!

I am off tomorrow and would like to see Grandma….so would the boys…all three of them.  We would also like to see how her plant and two little trees are handling this wind.

I need to check in with my mom on her breathing exercises to increase lung capacity…L.O.L is have a hard time getting enough air and he doc at Kaiser has never heard of such a thing.  I am in shock!!!

Off to work…have a great day…

God Bless


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