Well yesterday was the 3rd and final day of the NFL draft. My beloved Broncos acquired nine new players in all, mostly on defense. While we didn’t get the much needed defensive tackle, we got nine pretty good players that are more importantly all men of good character. Our team is really a mess right now and one draft isn’t going to fix all the problems we have so understanding this, this was a pretty good start.
Now on to more important things. Yesterday we had two soccer games. The oldest one was up first with his game at 9am about 40 minutes away. This meant we were up at 6:30 and out the door by 8. It was freezing yesterday morning, must have had a wind chill of 10 degrees! He played goalie (every parents nightmare) in the first half and did pretty well only surrendering two goals. In the second half his teammate gave up 6! Then a mad dash home and off to the store to by the little neighbor boy a birthday present. Both boys wanted to go to his party but it overlapped with the littlest ones soccer game so we had to pass. I had to remind him he made a commitment to his team and that came first. So off we headed to game #2 at 1pm. It was a mixture of hot and cold during the game. The boys played well but once again (you might remember from a previous post) the other team used a goalie! This of course is not allowed so I had to voice my opinion. After that we came home and both boys ran across the street to their friend who just got home from his party. They played there most of the rest of the afternoon and then into the evening. Mom arrived home an hour early from work as it was dead at the store. We had some dinner and settled in for some tv.
Today the oldest has his flag football game at 2pm. We hope the rain holds off and we’re all excited to go. He really played well 2 weeks ago (no game last week because of Easter) and I’m really excited and happy for him as football seems to be his best sport. Mom of course is not thrilled as flag football leads to full contact football which she is totally against. In fact I had to stop a small argument (that could have turned into a big one) yesterday between the two of them regarding this very subject. Anyhow we worked for an hour (at least) throughout the afternoon on passing and catching. Our neighbor across the street who was outside was surprised at how well he could throw the ball and offered up the sought after compliment of “Wow, what an arm” which pleased him very much. Every time I tried to go in I would throw a long pass and tell him if he caught it we’d stay out, if he dropped it, we’re going in. This was a mistake as he kept catching the ball and then of course gave me his favorite line of “in your face dad”. Eventually we did go in as it was getting time for dinner.
Mom’s still sleeping and the boys are playing Wii. I’m thinking of taking them to Denny’s (they love it) but the food is so bad for you plus it’ll cost $25. We had to pay $2600 in property taxes yesterday (arghhh) which will take almost a third of my paycheck this month and leave us short on something, we haven’t decided what yet, hopefully something will work out. The house is still pretty clean from Mom’s total house overhaul on Friday. The boys playroom is unbelievable, still clean but you wouldn’t have believed the bags of junk that came out of that room. She needed to do this while the kids were in school as every item to them is sacred, from old plastic milk jug rings they found on the ground that had somehow transformed into treasure, to old broken toys from years ago that have some sentimental meaning. Anyhow none of it is missed (so far) and they now have room to get around.
I think I’ll load them up in twenty minutes and head off to the gym. That’ll get both them and me some much needed exercise. So until tomorrow, stay safe and count your blessings. Here’s some words of thought for the day, lots of wisdom in history if you look for it.
God bless,
“I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson
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