It’s Snowing, kind of

6:30am and if you look closely, it’s snowing just a bit. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be fairly chilly for late April. Today we have soccer and tonight dinner at our good friend’s (former lawyer, now judge) house. This is the dinner we were supposed to have with them and another couple that we had to cancel a few months ago due to the youngest ones Destination Imagination event at school, remember that? Uncle T and Aunt B are going to watch the boys. The littlest one has some allergies and is congested with a junky cough and stuffy nose, but rest easy Grandma, he’s not contagious. (according to the doctor, clear not green!) Thanks much to Uncle T and Aunt B, they help us out a lot. The older boy had an extra football practice last night which wasn’t on the schedule but we have a really good coach who put together an optional practice for the boys that wanted to play. Mom arrived home about 9;45pm, boy she and I (and the boys) hate those late night shifts.

Tomorrow’s Easter, the day Jesus rose from the dead, the littlest one pointed out. We’ll all be headed to church early as we have a 1pm brunch here with the whole family and L.O.L. and Bunkie and hopefully Popcorn and Bodie, if all showed, we’d have 5 dogs running around! Mom told the oldest one yesterday the he was the best boy ever and she was abruptly corrected by him as he said, “no Mom, the best boy ever was Jesus” looking at her like, don’t you know that??? The littlest one upon me telling him he should go to bed early due to his allergies (all from his mothers side as I’ve never been allergic to anything except brussel sprouts and liver) cocked his head slightly and said, “ok I’ll try, but you know Dad, I’m really pretty much a night person”.

So the day will be filled with soccer, cleaning for tomorrow, getting ready for an hour drive across town for dinner, home by hopefully 10:30 and then a rush to bed as church comes early at 8am. Oh yeah, we’re also on snacks for both games meaning we need to bring the half time oranges and drinks and treats for after each game. At least we have them both on the same day.

Yesterday L.O.L. sent home an Easter Present with Mom for the family. When she opened the bag there was a check for each boy for $5 and an antique soup terrine (which was obviously hers as it was freshly washed still dripping with water) and an antique tea pot, the kind that’s white with that english royal blue lace type pattern on it, you girls know what I’m talking about. I dug deep in the bag but didn’t find any old handguns, gold pocket watches or guy stuff, oh well, maybe Mom will make some really good soup and fill up the terrine.

Time to run as I need to pay a couple of bills (everyday chore) and get ready for soccer in an hour. Mom needs to get breakfast going and we both need to shower. Enjoy the weekend and hopefully everyone has fun plans for tomorrow. Easter is one of my favorite holidays, the eggs are colored and the boys are anxiously awaiting the Easter Bunny with the same enthusiasm as Santa Claus. We could have 1 to 4 inches of snow in the morning though, so it might be a bit harder to find the eggs. The baskets are usually inside when the weather is bad, the Easter Bunny’s pretty smart that way. I’m sure we’ll talk with most of you tomorrow, if we miss anyone, we send our thoughts, prayers and love for your health and happiness.

Happy day before Easter (as the littlest one said when he first woke up this morning), and we’ll talk to you all tomorrow!

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