Snowing and Blowing

At 4:30am, it was snowing sideways with howling winds. Thankfully the ground is too warm so nothing stuck to the driveway or road. Not sure how long it’s supposed to stick around.

Yesterday Carmen came and cleaned the house. I ran to Costco and then over to see my buddy James, who is the Sheriff of Eagle County. He told me all the Sheriffs went down to oppose the proposed gun law, but none of the Democrat politicians would listen to them. He gave me some more details about just how bad this is, whether you’re a gun owner or not. I told him we’re thinking of moving to Montana in a few years and he said, he would if he could. He also told me to tell everyone that if they want a CCW, to do it now! Also said, stock up on things you want before the new tax starts April 1st and to get anything else you want before the new law passes. You know things are wrong and bad when all of law enforcement is against it.

Today I’m not sure what we’re doing. We’re shipping as much wine as fast as we can in case the tariff war sticks around. I doubt it will as the Europeans will blink, as they sell us way more stuff than we sell them. Speaking of blinking, the Dems who said they’d shut down the govt. as recent as yesterday, have now said they’ll support it. Guess there is one adult somewhere in the room on their side. They realized they’d get blamed.

Crazy crap going on everywhere. Remember, you are on your own! Don’t forget that. The government won’t save you from crime, food shortages, bad weather, disease, or anything else. Look at history and you’ll see this is fact. Don’t get complacent, be prepared for anything and you’ll be fine. It doesn’t take a lot, just a little common sense.

That is it people, time to go. Have a great day and may God Bless and watch over you!

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