Today we’re deep cleaning the house. We sort of fired our cleaners as they’re just not that good. Carmen is fine but every week it seems she has someone new with her, that does more damage than good. So, Lori and I are the new house cleaners. It will save us something like $4500 a year!
Big workout yesterday. Lori had her treatment, so I had two hours to lift. I actually did only an hour and 45 minutes, but still, worked out hard. 7am now but we’ll head out again in about 30 minutes.
Another plane crash last night in Philadelphia. This one was a medical plane from Mexico. The one Wednesday, near D.C., involved some error somewhere. It looks like either by the helicopter pilot or the air traffic controller. Maybe a combination of both. Sad.
We need to go grocery shopping soon. The guys might get together this afternoon to hang out for a bit. Cora, our 13-year-old neighbor, has a dance recital tonight from 5 until 8! She invited us, and we love her, but man, 3 hours at a dance recital? I don’t know if I can take that. Maybe I’ll let Lori just go. We also can go with Davy to the Yeti hockey game tonight. He’s a big sponsor of the team, we’ll see.
Time to get moving. Have a great first day of February. 90 days until May 1st! Wow, God Bless.