The record release party last night was a lot of fun. Tim and Taylor are such a fun couple and really talented too. Our friends, Gary and Jennifer, flew in from Ft. Lauderdale for the 2 hour get together. They’re headed back there today. Gary is an engineer who made a ton of money I think designing Beaver Creek back in the day. Lori mentioned an idea she’s had for 7 years and Gary, being an engineer, is all over it! Jen and I said we can be the minor partners and sit back and count the money, you never know!
Ty did join us after he and his buddies from Denver finished snowboarding at Loveland for the day. Great to see him.
We’re off to Denver this morning for Lori to get her hair done. I’ll make a few stops while she’s getting this done. Tomorrow we’re back down for dermatologist appointments. We tried to get them both on the same day but no such luck.
Almost 6am now. Not a whole lot of other stuff going on. We’re on a tight budget for a few weeks as property taxes are due this month. Looks warm in Denver today, maybe even 70 degrees! Should be 55 up here!
There were a few more shootings in Denver yesterday, nice. That’s sarcasm. One was at Wash Park at 2 in the afternoon! This is a nice park in an affluent area where literally 500 people are at any given time. And this is why we arm up when headed to the big city. So sad.
Time to get going. Lori is already in the shower and with luck, we’ll be on the road by 7. Hope to be back by 3 at the latest. Have a great first week of February. Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training next week! God Bless.