Our trip to Denver was fine, and pretty quick. We made it home by 2. Lori looks fabulous of course with her new beach blonde hair and I managed to get a few errands done. Today we’ll be in town by 9 for dermatologist appointments and then afterwards, we’re stopping at a hospital to see Eric Bean, one of Lori’s PA’s when she was at Steadman, who is back in with cancer. No one thought he’d make it this long and he did go into remission, but sadly it’s back, which it tends to do.
At 4 Lori has another PT appointment on her neck and traps and I’ll workout while she’s getting this done. Ty’s working away at work, and Jag too at school.
When we made it home in the afternoon, Lori spotted a coyote in the backyard. I would have shot it but was busy.
We’re getting ready for our Super Bowl party on Sunday. Should be fun. James went to see his sister in Wichita a few days early, so he’d be back in time.
Denver is a shit show with migrants still on the streets, but not as many. A bunch of the bad ones have been arrested and are probably back in their own country by now. The Dems are lost. They have no clue on how to react and are bumbling their way through each day. It seems they’re a few days or a week behind every move President Trump makes. Their approval rating is at an all-time low while the Republicans is at an all-time high. Amazing how quick things can change when there are adults in charge. Hope it keeps on keeping on.
Time to go, have a great day and God Bless.