Monthly Archives: June 2024


Nice outside. Looks like Denver was hit pretty hard yesterday. Big time rain and hail down south of town. Sort of muggy and hazy outside right now. Not sure if it’s humidity or smoke from a fire somewhere. The Southwest … Continue reading

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Sunny and clear

Lori has her, as she calls it, bird sanctuary, all set up. We finally found a really cool bird bath yesterday for $50! It was at a nursery, and we thought for sure, it’d be $350. We think it was … Continue reading

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Wouldn’t you know it

The one morning where we managed to sleep in, we’re working out at 7! The alarm just went off at 5:45 and we were both sound asleep. Figures. Yesterday I weeded a bunch of the front yard, made a Costco … Continue reading

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Up early

Harley woke us up sometime around 4am. A little later, Lori got out of bed f0r the day, and I went back to sleep until 5:20. That’s pretty much normal these days. Wish I could sleep until around 7. Ty … Continue reading

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6am and Lori is outside on her stool watering her hanging baskets. We have another golf lesson at 10:30 this morning. Get those clubs out Tommy! Sunny and nice up here this morning. It was pretty hot when I left … Continue reading

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Sometimes, work is fun

Yesterday was a great workday. I normally don’t get out into the field to see accounts these days. But yesterday, I took Tom to a couple accounts and then had a fun wine tasting/dinner with my buddy Tim, his wife … Continue reading

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It’s been nice, just a little overcast. We’ll take it! This morning, I have a few appointments, and at 5 tonight, a dinner and wine tasting in Silverthorne. Tomorrow I’m getting my haircut down in Denver and then that’s it … Continue reading

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Happy Anniversary

Today is Mom and Dad’s anniversary! They were married over off of Colorado Blvd. and then were whisked away via helicopter to the Broadmoor. Not sure what year it was, probably around 1966 or 1967, as I think I was … Continue reading

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June 2nd

June came so fast. Hard to believe we’re almost halfway through the year. 90 days until Labor Day, what? 90 days after that and we’ll be about 3 weeks from Christmas, unbelievable. 5:50am right now. We slept in, ha. As … Continue reading

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We’re booked! $160 and 620,000 miles for First Class. Can’t wait, we’ll be gone nine days. Yesterday Lori worked, and in the afternoon, Lee and Margaret came over with their youngest son, Walker. We all visited for a couple hours. … Continue reading

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