Happy Anniversary

Today is Mom and Dad’s anniversary! They were married over off of Colorado Blvd. and then were whisked away via helicopter to the Broadmoor. Not sure what year it was, probably around 1966 or 1967, as I think I was ten years old.

A little cloudy up here this morning. Lori is taking my 9am dentist appointment as she thinks she has a cracked tooth. She’s watering her hanging baskets right now.

I think Ty has a tee time in Denver at 3 this afternoon. Hope the afternoon storms are gone for the day.

We had a nice breakfast with Lee and Margaret yesterday morning. Good to see them again. Not much family left around, especially on my biological dad’s side. Lee and Tommy’s mannerisms are very similar. They’re coming back in September for a CU Baylor football game and want to stop by and see Tom then.

Tomorrow, I have a few wine appointments up here with one of my guys who is flying in from California today for the week. Then we’ll have a dinner at 5 in Silverthorne with a buddy of mine who owns nine restaurants and pours a lot of our wine.

That’s all for today. Hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe and God Bless.

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