Big win

Yesterday I dropped Ty around 9 and headed straight to Phoebe’s for my haircut. Then it was off to meet Luke and grab some groceries before heading home. I made it home around 1. Tomorrow I’ll get Ty after meeting Toby.

At 6:40, the game started. We jumped out early but knew they would make a push. It came in the 4th quarter but thankfully we handled it. There’s a reason these two teams are among the best 4 left. Big game tomorrow.

Lori is in Frisco today and I’m off to the gym. A week from today we’re headed to the islands. James first of eight shows is in Paris tonight. It’s 2:15 in the afternoon there right now.

Jag made some progress on his stuff yesterday but today he and I will go through the rest. Time to get moving. Had a little rain here yesterday but nothing bad. Rain tomorrow in Denver. I hope to get down and up by noon, God Bless.

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