These days, I get up early. Usually around 5:30 but was up and making coffee at 5am this morning. I like the mornings. Seeing the sun come up is rejuvenating. Lori is still sleeping.
I was taking Lori’s car in today to get her windshield replaced but rescheduled for next Wednesday. I didn’t want to drive over the pass in the afternoon with the road construction. I have a morning appointment next week. Ty is getting his windshield replaced next Tuesday. Just a way of life in the mountains.
I’m loving my clean garage. More work to do in the basement today. Ty came home for a bit and cleaned his room yesterday. He works today.
Taxes due this weekend. What a joke. We pay and pay and get nothing in return. I’m almost back to my pre-Oklahoma weight! Man, it’s taken a good 4 days to get there. Football tonight. Not sure who’s playing, but it’s still football.
I need to get out to the range for some long-range practice. Could be 400- or 500-yard shots antelope hunting in October. I’ll check with James today as we should probably go before he heads out to Mexico City for the last four shows of the tour. Davy needs to go with us too, as well as Marty, if he’s not recuperating from surgery. I think they’re trying to get him in early next week. He’s so bummed that this has happened. I’m doing my best each day to keep his spirits up. He has some CT scans tomorrow to see what’s happening.
Lori is single handily feeding all the birds in the neighborhood. They’re all the little birds and they also love the bird bath and splash around like little kids in a swimming pool. Won’t be long before the deer and elk are in the backyard eating the grass.
Some school districts are closed today due to anonymous threats on social media. These first popped up a few days ago and are in multiple States. You can tell the person making the threats is foreign born as the grammar in their posts is choppy and incorrect. Seems like a coordinated effort to disrupt things and make headlines. Still, better safe than sorry. What a World. It’s like we live daily in a war zone. Sort of like Mexico has been for decades. Shootings, kidnappings, robberies, assaults, and more, can happen at any time, and anywhere. Nice.
Tom is busy purging too. Think he closes on the new digs tomorrow! Exciting!
5:33am now, time to move and groove. Make it a great day and God Bless.