
Only a load or two of laundry left. I’m off to Denver to pick up Ty as soon as I shower. Hope to be on the way back by 10 so we beat the rain and are home by noon. Yesterday I worked out for 2 hours! I’m switching things up and taking every other day off as I haven’t been giving my body enough time to recoup.

James texted me during the night, “wake me a 1”. He then texted sorry as obviously that was meant for someone else, ha. Adriana is having a small graduation get together at 6 tonight. I told Lori that’s smack dab in the middle of cigar night and the Nuggets start at 6:30. Lori will probably go and I’ll be down the street with the guys at James house.

Marty was at his storage unit yesterday afternoon so he came over and hung out with Jag and I for a bit. He had to get his oars for one of his river rafts as he’s going down the Dolores River next week. It’s running at 4000 cfs (cubic feet per second) and is down by Cortez in southern Colorado. That’s a lot of water and it’s usually not this high. Marty is an excellent river raft guide and has been down the Grand Canyon multiple times. He has 3 rafts.

A little cloudy outside but was in the mid 70’s yesterday, super nice. Time to get moving, make it a great day, God Bless.

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