
Jag and I pulled into Boulder at 9:30. I was hoping to be out and on the road in 30 to 60 minutes. As soon as he opened the door, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Although most of the furniture was gone. there was crap everywhere. Cupboards and the fridge were still full and clothes and trash covered most of the floor. All I could do after assessing the situation, was get to work. 2 1/2 hours later, we were done and on the road. I filled up the truck, inside and out, and after grabbing a gyro in Golden, we were home around 2:30.

The rest of the day was spent doing laundry. And it doesn’t look like I did any! I told both boys they have to go through their clothes and make a pile of anything they don’t wear or that doesn’t fit. Ty put a lot away as his stuff has been home for a few days and Jag has a lot to do today.

Ty and I are leaving by 6am for Lakewood as I have an appointment to have the cameras on the truck fixed. I’m also getting a haircut at 11 and then am meeting my buddy Luke on the way home. After dropping Ty and hitting the dry cleaner, I’m stopping to see Dave, our gold guy, to grab another ounce. I try to get one or two a month just as a hedge.

Lori works in Vail today. I think I broke my finger yesterday when unloading the truck. I hyper extended it and it’s pretty swollen. It’s the middle finger on my right hand, ugh. The Nuggets are on tonight, hope we win!

Keep buying food and anything else you use on a regular basis. Don’t let up, we’re a long way from things getting better. In fact, it’s going to get much worse before they get better!

Make it a great day and God Bless.

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