5:30am, leaving in 90 minutes for DIA for Lori’s 11:15am flight to Sacramento. Masks, gloves and more will accompany her on her trip. She’ll head straight to her Mom’s and they’ll quarantine until Dixie’s surgery Tuesday. Then Wednesday she’s scheduled to come home and Lori will stay with her until Saturday when Kristin comes up from L.A. to take over as caregiver. The surgery is pretty common but going under anesthesia is the concern.
We had a nice day yesterday having lunch with Ty’s buddy’s parents. Snow is coming Tuesday with a high of 19 degrees. We’ll see. I did get a new snow shovel yesterday. I also stocked up on some essentials and treated myself to a few new pair of boot socks for winter.
The dogs are fine and so are our birds. I’m rotating the type of food I put out to keep the larger and smaller birds both happy. The chipmunks will eat anything.
I have a few stops after the airport including seeing Jag but should be home by 1 or so. Jeff and Tina want me to come by for a bbq but I think I’ll probably head up the hill. Tomorrow and maybe Monday I’ll be flying solo but that’s ok. I have a lot to do.
That’s it. Make it a great day, and don’t believe ANYTHING political you see on tv or for that matter, much of anything you see on the news. It’s all opinion. It’s funny as every day the news refers to independent “fact checkers”. I have an idea, let’s take all these “fact checkers” and give them their own program and call it the news!
Oh brother, hold on, it’s going to get worse. Please think for yourself, use your God given brain, that’s all I ask. God Bless.