Alright, for the next two months expect a lot of bullshit. In fact we could all do worse than disconnecting our tv’s. On both sides there will be lies and truth twisting like we’ve never seen. On the Dems side they said yesterday years ago Trump disparaged the military, even dead people. They’re also planning a 50 day protest in Washington D.C. starting September 17th saying Trump is going to steal the election. This is funded by a group called Adbusters which is David Brock and George Soros. Two people who should be brought up on charges for sedition. Hillary has told Biden even if you lose, do not concede. Imagine if Trump said even if he loses he won’t leave. The Dems are spinning that now so they can contest the election when they lose. Biden is so out of it he even read the end of his handlers message off the teleprompter yesterday closing a comment with “end of quote”. Good God. This was after a press conference (if you could even call it that) where he was given prearranged questions that weren’t really questions but statements. Wow. The scary thing is I’m not so sure the public is smart enough to see through this charade. So over the next 2 months both sides will be pulling out skeletons from the others closet going back decades. Personally we’re voting for freedom, law and order and the economy as without those three it doesn’t matter what happens.
James and I had a fun trip to Aspen. They locked down the shop for us so we were the only two guys there. Lori worked all day and Ty played all day. CU has detected traces of covid in the waste water meaning the sewer system from four dorms, yuck. Kids are being tested and that included Jag. No telling how long they’ll be there. If I head to Denver today I’ll swing through Boulder on my way home as he wants me to drop him some weights. Ty is headed to Preston’s in Vail as their family is up for the weekend.
Tomorrow Lori goes to California. She’ll be gone a week and miss the dusting of snow. I guess Denver is going to get hit pretty good Monday night into Tuesday and then it’ll gradually warm up each day until it’s back in the 70’s next weekend. Bring it on!
Time to get moving. As I said, get ready for a bunch of bullshit you couldn’t dream up if you tried. It’s already started. God Bless.