It’s 5:23am and we’ll be leaving at 6 with the boys in tow to take the misses up for surgery. We’ll drop her in Frisco at 7 and then head up to Vail to get our license plates while she’s hopefully getting all fixed up. By the time we get back to Frisco, she should be pretty close to being ready to go home. The boys will probably make it to school by 10am. We didn’t want to take them but just didn’t have any place to drop them at 6am.
I had my foot aspirated (lanced) yesterday morning and the doc squeezed out a bunch of thick gel like fluid from the cyst. Hope you aren’t not eating breakfast! When you injure your body, one of its defense mechanisms is to release fluid to insulate the injury. It’s way down and will hopefully be all gone soon.
We then headed over to Colleens to visit and have a nice sushi lunch she had ordered. She has a coyote problem so we’re going to have a bbq and shoot them one night. I can borrow a 22 with a built in sound suppressor and night vision which will make it an easy job.
I need to run as I have 30 minutes to shower, slam a bowel of cereal and get the boys up and dressed. Cross your fingers that the misses will be all better in a few hours.
God bless,