That’s right, we have two birthdays today. First, my closest friend while growing up, Harry is something like 57 or 58. Also today is John Lennon’s birthday, the guy from the Beatles. Happy Birthday to both of them. I need to call harry as he’s never missed calling me in 40 some years.
Yesterday we were in Vail and have a prescription for another rhizotomy. This is the operation where they burn the nerves going up the misses spine to her head. It worked last time so we’re hoping it’ll work again. We have to get her in asap as she’s in unbearable pain. She’s much tougher than I am but we already knew that. I told her I’d just be in bed all day taking pain pills every 4 hours. I don’t know how she stands it, sometimes she doesn’t and just breaks down. Meanwhile this morning I go in for my cyst on my foot which seems to be going down a bit. I’ll probably have it aspirated anyhow just to get past it.
Then it’s off to our friend Colleens house to pick up some extra wine left over from the Women’s Foundation dinner. She wants us to come to some event from 4 until 6pm tonight and then go to dinner but we’re passing.
I think we’re going to unplug our tv until after the election, it’s just non stop lies. Amazing how campaigns will say and do anything to get or stay in power. Do you really think either of them care for any of us? The sickening thing is how the press, or presstitutes are in bed with Obama. The only comfort is that a study was just released saying 70% don’t trust the media. Maybe we’re not all as dumb as they think we are. I read the other day someone saying “Obama or Romney’s mother is no better than mine”, meaning these guys are just like you and I yet they act like there some sort of god with some divine entitlement to rule over all of us. What ever happened to great leaders like Eisenhower or Kennedy or Reagan who cared more about the country rather than there own power and wealth.
Oh well, time for me to run, here’s the misses to close it out.
The boys both went over to friend’s houses to play after their homework was finished. Â They were home at 6 and we all sat down for homemade chicken noodle soup and biscuits. Â The oldest finished the first Harry Potter book and jumped right into the second book. Â Hurray!
The youngest came down and would like for me to go back upstairs to snuggle, so I am off…..can’t pass that offer up, sooner or later he won’t want too snuggle anymore.
Have a great day…God Bless