Parent Teacher Conferences

Good morning…it’s  after 6, both of our furry friends are lying by my feet, and looking at me in hopes of a belly rub.

We took the boys with us at O’dark hundred to Frisco yesterday morning.  The men dropped me off for my appointment (the nurse took me right back) and headed over one more mountain pass to get license plates or tabs for the Yukon.  They also made a stop for some yummy baked goods from the Avon Bakery…a favorite of all the boys at our house.  They came back and had just enough time to get the oldest’s cast removed before I was out of recovery.  Hurray for the oldest…he does have a script for P.T. and his arm is still quite sore, as you can imagine it would be after almost 2 months in one position.  He is supposed to do the High Jump this morning, but we are going to take another pass since there is no protection on the elbow.

Surgery went well.  Dr. Dickstein took an extra long time burning the nerves in hopes that they don’t regenerate rapidly this time.  The team thanked me for keeping them entertained…I chatted with them during the procedure and found out a lot of interesting facts about all of them.  I asked, “doesn’t everyone talk with you when you do this surgery?” they reply was a group laugh…followed by the Doc saying, “most people moan, cry and whimper.” I asked if he was kidding…the answer was once again in unison…”No, not kidding.” Funny, it wasn’t that painful.  In recovery, Dr. Dickstein told me I was in the top 2% if not 1% of the highest pain threshold he’s seen.  I replied, “Well, I’m glad to be in the top 2% of something.   The Mr, whom everyone said is a keeper (we all knew that already) came back to help me get dressed and we were off down the mountain.  The kids made it to school about noon and I was planted on the couch and then in bed the rest of the day and night.

The boys  had Chinese food…which the oldest has been asking for since pre-cast days.  It was the easiest dinner for last night, and now we have a yummy lunch to pack for school.  The kiddos were very helpful yesterday…letting the dogs in and out, picking up around the house and checking to see if I needed water….sweet boys. We let the kiddos watch some T.V. last night and then off to bed at 8.

We have Parent/Teacher conferences today.  The first at 3:00, and the second, at 3:20.  I have a few issues…imagine that…the youngest brought home a math paper that said he got 23 out of 27 correct, and when we went over it together he actually had only missed 1.  This has happened more than once and I will try to be as tactful as possible.  I’m sure it’s hard to grade all those papers….maybe she has a helper correcting them…I’ll ask. I have an issue or two with 5th grade for similar reasons.  I’ll let them tell me about my children and then I’ll chime is with a big smile and I will ask…If they can HELP me understand their thoughts on my more than perfect children. It’s always better to ask for help and get the other person’s perspective and then gently offer my thoughts.

I’m supposed to take it easy…ugg…lots to be done around here.  Luckily, I have the best helper man around.

Have a great day and God Bless.






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