Thanks to Grandma Annette for her comment yesterday, here it is,
I think by the time Jagger and Ty are adults this country is going to be in so much trouble. Employers will just let more people go and not fill jobs or employ more people under the table.
Now I agree with her although some of you won’t. We’re so divided as a country, you’re either on this side of the fence or that side, there’s no middle ground. Years ago both sides could disagree but get some things done, now it’s just a stalemate and both sides are to blame. The main blame though has to go to the Commander in Chief as if he doesn’t bridge the gap and take the lead, no one will follow. Unfortunately he’s more interested in getting re-elected than actually solving any problems. He always has been, he never engages as Axelrod has him convinced everything is a political liability. It’s just sad! Typical Chicago politics.
Time to get ready for huge tax increases, they are coming, especially after yesterdays ruling that the government can tax you if you don’t buy health insurance. Looks like our company will be dropping health care and giving $500 a month to each empoyee. This means the average employee will have to spend $700 to $800 a month on their own. Not a lot we can do about it, we just can’t afford it as companies are saying they’re raising premiums already. Nice work Mr O!
Time to run as I need to be at the airport by 8 and the misses has a mammogram and another appt.
Have a good day,
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