
We read that elite universities are cancelling classes and coddling students that can’t deal with the election. Well, that’s one way to teach them to be an adult and move on with their lives. Good job to those liberal day care centers. This will make for a future strong generation of people in a few years. I am actually shocked at how some people have reacted to Trump’s victory. No one I know was happy when Obama or Biden won, but I can’t remember a single person or issue of people melting down. Women on social media are shaving their heads, (that’ll help) and saying they’re going to abstain from sex for four years, which will actually help the gene pool by eliminating more children in adult clothing. It was funny at first, (still kind of is), but these people need psychological help. This is not normal. Hope they get the help they so desperately need.

Yesterday I met Ty at Costco to get him a new phone. Lori and I will head to the gym in a bit and then we’ll enjoy the nice sunny day up here and put up some more Christmas decorations. I drove up valley in the afternoon to deliver James Rush two pans of enchiladas and all the trimmings for correctly predicting the great victory a few days ago. It’s still surreal that we won. We’re so happy for us and the Country and have a much better feeling about the future for the boys.

Davy went to ER yesterday on Lori’s direction and turns out he has Influenza A, meaning the flu. He’s now on Tamiflu and should be better in a couple of weeks. Tons of snow in Denver but nothing up here. Nice and dry and sunny with temps in the 30’s or maybe even the 40’s. This truly is God’s Country.

Jag is fine, he’ll be hunkering down today, unless classes are closed, and then he should head up here. Time to get going. Have a great day, be well, stay safe, and watch out for those few unhinged people out there that can’t face reality, God Bless.

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