Wow, yesterday the left was in full melt down. From libs crying and screaming all over social media, to the left-wing media melting down saying women will be put in camps, to a few people that work at the hospital not showing up for work, as in their words, they just can’t handle it, people were unbelievably acting like spoiled toddlers who didn’t get what they wanted at the candy store. Even our accountant of 30 years in Seattle said he was in mourning and wasn’t sure if he could accept the outcome of the election. As I watched all this, it was hard to believe these people were actually functioning adults. In a couple lib cities like Seattle, Chicago and Philly, you had some small protests as well, but much less than I anticipated. They were probably caught off guard and didn’t expect to lose.
On the other hand, surprisingly, most Dem politicians got the message and acknowledged that they screwed up and are out of touch with the majority of America. Not sure how they didn’t know this last week. I guess they thought they could sail through to victory with a bunch of celebs and the media on their side. And oh, it’s clear, the days of celebrity endorsements helping, is over. No one cares what they think, and we even now resent them for thinking that they, in their multimillion dollar homes, with private security and private jets, have any right to tell us anything much less how to vote. The big transformation is that the working-class people of America are now Republicans. This used to be the foundation of the Democratic party, but no longer. They’re now the party of elites and celebs, and frankly, no one likes them anymore. What a shift.
It was for the most part, calm yesterday. Lori said no one in her office even mentioned the election. Maybe they were still in shock. The adults in the room, those that voted for Trump, (a little dig, ha), didn’t throw it in people’s faces, didn’t gloat or do anything else that could have been easily justified after being called stupid, fascists, and even Nazi’s for the past few months, for supporting him. I mean did the Dems really think they could get people to vote for them by calling them names. Guess they did.
Hamas has called for an end to the war, (that didn’t take long), Ukraine said it would like peace, (guess they too got the message) and other countries are lining up to congratulate Trump and make sure they’re on his, or our, good side. They remember and know; that Trump won’t mess around and means what he says. Change is already happening for the better and the guy hasn’t been elected for even 24 hours. Says a lot.
Yesterday afternoon I had a doctor appointment for a checkup, and all is well. I stopped and saw Ty and then headed home. Lori showed up a few minutes later. No new snow up here and the roads are dry and clear. Looks like Denver is getting hit today.
Lori is making enchiladas today for James Rush as he won the bet saying Trump would win. I decided I have some new pronouns, We/ Won, bwaaahh. Couldn’t help myself. Yesterday had to be a record for memes on social media, with most being too offensive to post, but man were they funny.
America will not only survive but I believe will once again prosper. This was a turning point in history and thankfully things turned the right way. Have a great day and if your upset or know someone who is, don’t gloat but rather comfort them telling them everything will be all right, which it will. Of course, there are still whack jobs out there who will not accept this outcome, so keep your head on a swivel.
God Bless everyone and may God Bless America.