Gone shootin

Off today to Buena Vista for a little range time. In case you’re wondering, Gone Shootin is the title of a famous AC/DC song. Yesterday I was in Big D by 8:30am and back by 1.

Ty wants to buy a new truck. He’s leaning towards a brand new one. We’re ok with helping him out as long as he stays in the valley until it’s paid off. Insurance would go up though so a lot to consider. With his trade in and savings, it looks like it’ll take him about a year to pay one off, with him making payments of about $3K a month. We’ll see. We can’t do anything until Thursday as Lori will need to sign with him and she works in Edwards today, and Vail tomorrow. I found him a 2013 Tahoe in mint condition for $16K, but he wants a truck.

Marty had his drain taken out yesterday! This is great news as it’s literally been a pain in the ass, (the tube went in through the side of his ass) and was super annoying.

The colors are beautiful. It’ll be a nice Fall weather day but then record heat tomorrow and Thursday. I didn’t get to my closet yesterday but will get it done this week. Jag is coming up this weekend and we’re going to clean out his closet and then go through mine, as he likes to go through my old clothes. Ava is going to Chicago to visit her cousin.

October 1st is one week from today! Wow! That means 92 days left in the year once we get there. 6:50am now. Lori’s getting ready and I should get moving. Have a great day, God Bless.

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