Small towns

Yesterday I was out the door by a little after 8:30. I met Marty at the Park n Ride in Frisco, and we headed off to Buena Vista. I drove. He’s feeling 100% better having had his drain taken out. It was a nice, pretty drive with the leaves almost all turned. We go up through Leadville and then down through Buena Vista to get to the local 1000-yard range down there. I’m sure this weekend the World will be driving up from Denver to see the colors changing. Should be the peak weekend.

During our drive, we tried to figure out some more of the elusive answers to life questions, as usual. We determined that living in a small town provides the best quality of life. Problem where we both live now, is that we no longer live in small towns. When Marty first moved to Breckenridge, a big trip was driving to Avon to go to Home Depot, as there wasn’t anything over in Dillon or Frisco. I remember those days too. Not that far back, just a few years, when we moved to Eagle, there were about 800 less homes or condos than there are now! That’s a lot of growth in a little over 3 years!

Going to the range and stopping in Buena Vista reinforced our opinions as the locals there at the range and places like the coffee shop and hamburger stand, all had that super friendly, how you doing, can I help you attitude. It’s easy to spot locals, like us, from tourists from big cities or other States. So, our search continues for what to do or where to go to retire. It’s just too expensive here. We could make it work, but why spend 2 times or more to live than you can somewhere else. Then there’s all the people. Don’t get me started. Let’s just say, we’re getting invaded, by both legals and illegals.

We were at the range for a little over an hour and will go back next week. 400 to 500 yards are long shots (think 4 or 5 football fields) so we want to make sure we’re dialed in.

In other news, we thought we had Ty’s new truck locked in, but it was sold out from under us! Won’t go into details, but our guy marked it sold for us and a customer from the day before thought he had it saved for him and threw a huge fit and the sales manager sold it to him! Not cool, but shit happens. Now Ty is looking at a new one and seems all in on paying for it, even though it might take him a year. We’re going to discuss it tonight as we want certain commitments from him if we’re going to sign up for a new truck. They won’t be in for a couple of weeks anyhow, so we have time to decide.

My buddy Matt is coming up to Lori’s office this morning from Grand Junction for an 8:30 appointment. I’ll hook up with him after he’s done. After that I’ll be working around the house.

That’s it. Time to get moving. We have a doe and two fawns in the yard eating some of Lori’s flowers. At this point of the year, she says they probably need it more than she does. Soon we’ll get our first freeze anyhow and they’ll all be toast. Make it a great day! Stay safe and God Bless.

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