What a wonderful weekend. Two big wins by our football teams. I had a feeling about the Broncos yesterday, and usually when I get a feeling, I’m right. Scientists say, always trust your gut, meaning, trust your feelings. If you feel something isn’t right, or it’s off, it probably is. Remember that! Especially when out in the World these days.
5:30am now. I need to be on the road, hopefully in about 45 minutes. I’m picking up some samples at the warehouse, dropping around 75 pounds of stuff to be shredded at Office Depot, and making a couple other quick stops. Lori is working in Vail today.
Tomorrow, I need to put in an appearance in Aspen at a tasting and one in Vail on Wednesday. Cool last night but we’re in for a sunny, Fall like week. Lori has the fireplace going right now.
The big chore of the day was I deep cleaned the pantry yesterday! This was a big job going through shelves of food and staples, throwing out old stuff, cleaning the counters and floors and even washing all the canisters and containers that hold various things. Think I’ll get on my closet when I get home this afternoon.
That’s it, time to go, have a great week and God Bless.