What a World

Don’t believe all you see and hear these days. The World isn’t what it seems. You see, the media is in bed with the elites, and they push this agenda that they think we all should subscribe to. Take the Olympics, which were founded on being non-political, and the embarrassing opening ceremonies. If you watched it, you saw the mocking of the Christian faith by creating a woke, perverted version of the Last Supper using drag queens and other offensive people, to spread, I don’t know what kind of message. It sure wasn’t one of inclusion. The elites of France are praising it while the people of France are embarrassed and apologizing to the World. Funny how they didn’t mock Islam or Mohammad, as the director and actors would probably no longer be with us this morning had they done that. Anyhow, so sad that this could happen. Now too, the Olympics will face a boycott and have a stain on them that the hard-working athletes don’t deserve. We weren’t watching it anyhow. Haven’t caught a minute of it, and for sure won’t watch any now. We’ve been watching Cheyenne Frontier Days all week and the finals are today.

Meanwhile here in our Country, the media would have you believe the Country is fine and Kamala is the savior the Country needs from the terrible monster, who they compare to Hitler, known as Donald Trump. They tell you she’s now tied in the polls, yet if you look at each of their rally’s, she draws a few dozen, maybe a hundred, (unless people are bused in which the Dems do often) while Trump commands thousands upon thousands of people who will stand in line for hours to see and hear him. Yet again, the media tells us, she’s now in the lead. When asked what’s she’s accomplished, one Senator says her greatest accomplishment is that she went to an abortion clinic. Another says she’s a champion for entrepreneurs. Really? After 3 and a half years, that’s all they got. Thought she was the Border Czar! The media is scrambling to erase interviews and comments from her for years and anything to do with the border, among other things.

So, as you can see, don’t believe what they tell you. They’re lying to your face trying to convince you to believe what they want you to believe. Why do you think they run $50 million dollar ad campaigns? It’s because the people, (who don’t always see what’s happening right in front of their own face) they think can be fooled by consistent messaging, even though it’s 100% not true. Wake up before it’s too late.

In our corner of the World, we went to the gym, and I worked in the basement for a while and around the house. More of the same today around here. It was in the mid 80’s up here, which is just about perfect. Ava made it home and Ty hung out with us last night. I think Madi gets home today. Ty works at 10 as they have the weekly Sunday night dinner at his work tonight. They’re doing ribs this week. It starts at 5, we might go.

Looks like a hot week in Denver coming up. We’re getting ready for Fall and Winter up here. I’d like to see if I can get enough stuff out of the garage to get my truck in this year. We should have built a three car garage. Our next house, will for sure have that!

7am now, here’s some pics, enjoy and God Bless.

One of Lori’s 4 baskets out front!

Lori fire roasting corn for salads!

And my new truck, topper goes back on this week!

The front of the house! Have a great Sunday, God Bless.

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