Yesterday the rain came down. First up was late afternoon when everyone was headed to the County Fair. Of course, we were at the grocery store when it hit. Next was about 11pm. Both were good soakers, like movie rain. Again though, we’ll gladly take it.
Ty works at 7 this morning and Ava lands at DIA at 6:30 tonight. We might go to the fair today, we’ll see. Lori worked all day, and I ran a few errands after my calls. Marty and Melanie made it to Montana with no issues. Wednesday is James’s birthday party. He leaves Thursday for one more month of shows that start I think Friday or Saturday in Massachusetts. Then next Saturday is my high school reunion. So, it’ll be a busy week, plus Thursday is August 1st! Fall will be here soon.
The silly season is in full swing. I’m in full on ignore mode and change the channel when anything comes on tv related to politics. You can’t believe anything you hear, on both sides, but it’s worse on the left. All I know is that I’m voting for policies, not personalities. If you do this, Trump should win in a landslide. Enough said.
6:39am now. Time to get moving. Have a great day and weekend. God Bless.