Looks like summer is in full swing. It’ll be hot in Denver all week long. We’re down Saturday for my high school reunion.
My neighbor three doors down, who is building a 10,000 square foot house in Ft. Collins, might list soon for $4.4 million! That’d be a new high for the hood and put us easily above $3 million. Not sure what we’d do but there are some cool houses out there for less than that meaning we could pocket some cash. Here’s just one example being built and ready next year.

Jag goes to California I think on Friday with Ava for a week. Ty has most of the week off, I think only working on Wednesday. Lori has been trying to kick a bad headache for a week. She did go to the Westin for a massage yesterday to see if that’d help. I have a lot of computer work today and need to see when I can get my topper on my truck.
Nice up here, cool at night and not smokey at all. Here’s another house on 20 acres we’re looking at. Nothing will happen until next year I’m sure, but fun to look. We do want some more land.

6:30am now so time to get moving. Have a great day, stay cool and drink lots of water and God Bless.