It’s Here!

Memorial Day Weekend is here! Good timing for a nice 3-day break. Last night we had a full house at cigar night. There were seven of us in all and we were texting back and forth with James who just wrapped up the first show in Germany to kick of the last leg of the World Tour. We always send him a video or a few pictures when he’s not here, so he’s included.

Picture perfect out right now but I think it’s fairly cool. No frost on the ground though, so that’s good. Jag made it home safe and Ty is working today and tomorrow and then will be home tomorrow night. I made a Costco run yesterday while Lori worked.

We’re working out at 8 this morning. Then we’ll go get a coffee and bring Ty his belt which he forgot.

Turns out Colorado is the 7th most dangerous State in the Country. Nice. Of course, this is all because of Denver and a few of the suburbs like Aurora, but still, 7th? Come on man. You have cartels, gangs, and now tens of thousands of illegals, so it’s really not a surprise. All of the top ten most dangerous States are run by Democrats, hmmm. What a mess. Biden and the Dems have to go. Anyone that can’t see this, is, well, beyond help and deserves whatever they get. Enough said.

Time to get moving. Trash day so I need to get that out. Have a great weekend. Oh, there’s a new movie streaming today on Apple TV. It’s called Civil War and was the big hit at SXSW in Austin this year. As you’d guess, it’s about a civil war in the U.S. in modern times, check it out. Could be a harbinger of things to come, if people don’t get their shit together! God Bless.

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