The Weekend

Finally Memorial Day weekend is here. 3 days of relaxation. The house is clean, there’s food in the fridge and the weather looks pretty good.

Yesterday I ran over to Frisco to get some groceries and then made a run to Kellie’s to pick up four dozen fresh eggs and a loaf of freshly baked bread. Ty came home but then went to Ryker’s for his birthday. He lives in Edwards so Ty spent the night there so he can just go straight to work this morning. He also has a memorial service today for his friend Aiden who passed away from overdosing on Xanex. I didn’t even know you could od on that! So sad. He was a good kid.

Jag and Ava went fly fishing yesterday. They went to a river somewhere up by Longmont.

Jag says Ava has a little issue with fish, so she conquered that fear yesterday! Nice fish for his first-time fly fishing! I guess it was pretty windy, so they didn’t stay too long. Really glad I went down to Boulder and got him all set up. I had an extra rod and waders for him, but he needed some wading boots and a few essentials. Fly fishing is therapeutic in a sort of a Zen way.

Lori and I will head out to the gym this morning, surprise, surprise. It’s 6:30 am now as we pretty much get up at 5:30 or so every day. I talked to Robi yesterday and they’re going to their friends for a bbq on Monday. We’re doing burgers.

Lori went and hung out with Addy, Eleni and Jennifer yesterday afternoon for 3 hours or so. Good girl time. I met up with Clark and Mark and hung out for a bit after picking up my eggs from Kellie.

We have tons of birds out back. They can go through a half of a large bag of bird seed a day! Good for them.

That’s it, have a great Saturday and three-day weekend. God Bless.

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