And 80

There’s a saying in Colorado. If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes. That’s the pattern we’re in now. Sunny and warm today with consistent 75 plus degree days headed our way starting soon. Looks like it’ll be in the 70’s up here today.

Yesterday I decided to detail my truck, inside and out. After that, I ran to the dentist for a quick checkup and then headed down to the gun range to see Bob and get a new membership card. I misplaced mine somewhere.

I threw a small roast in the crock pot around noon and did about six loads of Ty’s laundry during the day. Ty made it home around the same time as Lori. Jag and Ava were flying home from California last night.

Lori just released the hounds (Harley) as a bunch of deer were outside eating her peonies. She was not happy! Harly wants in but Lori told her to stay out there and do her job!

Thinking of buying a solar generator for when the power goes out. They’re already predicting rolling blackouts this summer. Probably not up here, but just another safeguard to have in place.

Not sure what we’re doing for Memorial Day, something fun. Maybe just relaxing. Off to the gym now. Have a great day, GB.

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