That’s right, May 21st and we had snow. Nothing stuck to the ground, as it was so warm, but still, snow!
I made it to Denver by 8am and after dropping my truck, went to visit Tom and see his new car. It’s sweet, congrats! Then after a quick stop at the cowboy shop, I headed back to get my truck and was on the road by 10:15, headed home. I stopped in Frisco for some groceries and that’s when the snow started. It stuck around until sometime around dinner time when it finally moved out. It did freeze last night so the plants spent the night in the garage.
Should be warming up today. Supposedly in the high 60’s. Lori works in Vail, and I have a couple appointments. Ty works this morning and Jag is hopefully having fun in California.
I’d like to make some more progress on the garage today, if I can find the time. That’s about it. Crazy out there. Won’t go into it, but people are out of control, especially in Denver and the more populated areas. Inflation is rampant and people are losing hope. Time to give the other team the ball, no matter how you feel about Trump. It’s almost more important that the Senate goes red, and the House stays that way. What a mess, may God help and Bless us all.