No snow up here, nice and clear too. Meanwhile Denver, Boulder and the rest of the front range got hammered. Tomorrow though, things will be warming up everywhere. I’m still waiting on two Fed Ex packages that were sent Monday for Tuesday delivery so that tells you how the rest of the Country is doing.
Lori had a long day. She had a bunch of doctors from Denver and other places up for a presentation in the cadaver lab where new techniques were practiced and presented. That’s on dead bodies in case you don’t know what a cadaver is. It wasn’t until 7:30 that she made it home. My back is slowly getting better. Hopefully one more day of no long drives will do the trick. I think we’ll try to go to the gym and I’ll see if I can loosen it up.
James is in Hawaii texting telling me how great the snorkeling and fishing is, super. Told him I’m jealous. He just bought a new house in Lake Creek which is about 15 minutes closer to us which is good. It’d be nice just to buy a little $5 million dollar house when you come upon something you want, right? Also told him next time we’re hopping on the plane and going with him and of course he said, great. I think he’s back next week.
Ty has a couple buddies coming up tomorrow for the weekend. Jag might come home for a week as he can just as easily do his school work here as there. He’s still working out hard and eating lots. Ty should be cleared with his ankle next week and will start working out then.
I was going to Aspen today but we’ll see. No politics today. What’s the point. It’s a joke. The World is laughing at us. Ugh, these four years or at least the next two are going to be tough.
Have a good day, God Bless.