Well we made it to Vail and back safely. It was a fun party which I’m sure went on until way past the witching hour. The misses rallied and was a trooper but I knew she wasn’t feeling well. She probably should have stayed home but put on her best face and went along. Today she’ll probably need to sleep late. I didn’t sleep much as it’s now my usual 5am.
We arrived in Vail at our friends house in Edwards around 5:15 and as we walked in the front door he rushed past us and said “make yourself at home, I’ll be right back”. So in we went and off he was to pick up his wife. About 20 minutes later he and she walked back through their front door. We visited for a minute and then we headed out to downtown Vail to meet our friends from Iceland along with our realtor friend from Denver. It was a cool evening with the temperatures around 10 degrees or so and after a brief walk we made it to Sweet Basil, one of Vail’s nicer restaurants. I was amazed at how thin the crowds were but driving up it was easy to understand as there just isn’t any snow. It looks more like early May rather than late December.
Anyway after a quick glass of wine we walked down the street past Gorsuch (the incredible store) about 5 houses to our friend Eric’s home. It’s a beautiful 4 story home right in the heart of Vail. We walked in and were greeted with wine poured from one of the three giant bottles (equal to about 8 bottles each) he had pulled from his cellar for the party. Eric is about my age, single, and lives the life of royalty. His dad was the CFO of Microsoft when it was founded and so Eric is doing ok. He and his dad travel a lot and do things like race vintage Ferrari’s in Europe and so on. He’s a great guy who we’ve known for almost 10 years and is a good friend. We keep trying to fix him up but haven’t found the right girl for him yet. As the evening went on we ran into friend after friend who showed up that we hadn’t seen for some time. One of our close friends, we call him Bloomer, now sells private jets. He used to run the corporate aircraft division for Qwest. He and the misses were talking and it turns out they need a flight attendant for their demo flights which are day trips and pay $800 a day! Now of course the wife was all over this and with the planes being based in Denver, it might just work out. She just needs to figure out how to get re-qualified. He and I were talking and with the launch of our new Bocelli wines, I’m looking for a sponsor to help defray the costs of a national promotional tour and we agreed to have dinner next week before I go to Italy to try to put this together.
So lots of fun people but the shocker of the evening was meeting a girl who went to school with Uncle T named Liz Sullivan. Apparently she grew up within blocks of us and I don’t know if they dated or what but apparently she knew him quite well from when they were young. It also turns out she was married to the brother of a girl we know from the art museum days who is sort of a socialite in Cherry Creek. Long story but what a small world.
Soon it was about 8:30 and I nudged the misses letting her know it was time to go as we had the drive back to Denver ahead of us. Eric offered to let us stay the night, he’s always been very generous to us, but we passed with the boys waiting at Uncle T’s. Our realtor friend rode back with us and we dropped her in Genesse around 10pm and then headed to Uncle T and Aunt B’s to pick up the boys. Surprisingly they were both awake at 10:30 but looked ready to pass out. Five minutes later we had them home and in bed and soon they were fast asleep. The misses and I quickly followed.
So it was a great party with good friends, and a long drive. I have a slight headache and hope I’m not getting the misses crud. I only had a couple of glasses of wine as I was driving but maybe that’s it because I haven’t had a drink since Christmas eve, or maybe it’s because I didn’t get much to eat. Oh well, I’ll head to the gym and work it out.
The misses once again was the most beautiful woman at the party which is saying something in Vail as all the girls were pretty and dressed to the 9’s for the party. Of course we all know how pretty she is on the outside but I think what makes her beautiful is how nice she is on the inside that somehow enhances her outer beauty. She hates reading about me talking about her but you all know what I mean. Maybe tomorrow I’ll balance this out and let you know about some of her quirks, wouldn’t that be fun! (just kidding honey, you’re perfect)
Time to run as I need to kick this headache. Both dogs are in sleeping at my feet ad Mojo has seemed to get over his itching. I have a bunch of work today but also want to get the boys outside for some exercise. I sure hope the misses feels better. Hope you all are doing well, better be resting up for New Years as it’s right around the corner. Take care, have a great day and God Bless.
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