Tuesday the 27th

Did I ever tell you that 27 is probably my luckiest number? I’ve always liked the numbers 2 and 7 the most and voila, together they make 27! You can always spin numbers one way or another to get to any desired digit you want. For example, 2 plus 7 = 9 and if you put a 2 in front of that you get 29 which is my birthday. (that’s right, 2 days from now just in case you haven’t ordered my cake yet honey!) 17 is also a good number along with 2, 7, 12, 22 and so on. Just something to think about, I need some new material, huh.

Well after the “she’s coming home, she’s staying at work” saga yesterday morning, they finally sent the misses home at 9:30. She drug herself into the house and managed to make a large pot of white bean and ham soup before heading upstairs to bed for most of the day. Finally around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, she made her way downstairs to the couch. The boys did pretty well for playing inside with little exercise. They ran some errands with me (to get Nook covers, thanks Grandma Dixie and Pa Don) and then spent most of the afternoon playing pretty well together. Most companies and all government offices were closed yesterday so it was kind of like an extra day off. The stores that were open were packed! I couldn’t believe all the people in Barnes and Noble when we went to get the Nook covers. Lots of people exchanging, returning or buying things on sale. Today we’re running to Cherry Creek to exchange or return a few items ourselves.

I’m trying to de-clutter and have finally resigned myself to the fact that there’s no point in keeping things we don’t use anymore. I managed to get 3 drawers cleaned out and have a dozen pair of shorts and 20 or so t-shirts that need to go. I’m determined to tackle the rest of my clothes that are spread out over 3 closets in 3 rooms later this week and clean and reorganize the basement. Just cleaning out 3 drawers gave me that “fresh start” feeling for the New Year. After that, I went to the gym and had never seen it so crowded. I guess it’s because everyone is off work this week. For some reason I can lift a lot more weight in the middle of the day than at 5 in the morning. I lifted so much that by the time I arrived home I could feel my back tightening up so I took some Advil. Last thing I need now is to throw my back out!

This afternoon we’re going to Vail for a party around 6 tonight. I need to drop off some wine samples and then we’ll head over to the party for a few hours before driving home to Denver later tonight. The boys are going to Uncle T and Aunt B’s and we’ll probably make it home around 10pm. I’m not going to be drinking as I’m driving so don’t worry. The weather is also supposed to be nice, no snow this week. In fact, it’s supposed to be in the 60’s by the end of the week! That’s just crazy but we’ll take it.

Have any of you thought about your New Years resolutions? It’s that once in a year chance to make some changes. I don’t believe you need a specific date to make changes but there is something to starting or stopping something on January 1st. I think the trick is not to pick too many things or something that’s not realistic. If you do, you’re probably setting yourself up for failure. We as a family like to sit around and come up with a few things together to do. The boys really like to be involved.

Not to end on a depressing note but there’s a lot of crime this time of year. I don’t want to go into specific tragedies around town or the country but there is a new trend among kids with no respect for people or life. They’re playing a game called “knock out”. This is where they walk up to a random unsuspecting person (usually older, mostly male but also female) and try to knock them out with a punch to the head! Unfreakinbelievable, what’s the World coming to? Apparently if the person is knocked out on the first punch they leave, but if not, the whole group jumps in and begins pummeling the person. There are no deaths yet but tons of serious critical injuries as you can imagine. They usually pick on someone alone that looks like an easy target so don’t look like a victim! It’s a sad time when kids will attack someone just for fun. Kids from about 12 on up are in these groups and they usually hang out in downtown areas so please be careful. Personally the misses and I just cannot believe this, what’s next, God help us. Normally I don’t bring these type of things up as there’s lots of crime each and everyday but I felt that you at least need to be aware of this as it’s becoming more and more common. Sorry but that’s the World we live in now.

Ok, back to our family. The boys grew over the last month or so. They’re getting so big, you’d hardly recognize them. Today we’re determined to get them some exercise outside so expect to read about some bike riding, skate boarding and more tomorrow. We still have snow on the ground but it’s melting everyday. Mom and the boys are still sleeping so I guess I’ll hit the cardio machine. Hope everyone is doing well and making big plans for New Years. We call it amateur night and just stay home as there’s too many crazies and drunk people out. I can’t remember the last time the misses and I were out on New Years eve, oh yes wait, it was December 31st, 1999 and we were on a beach in Seattle, now that was a fun night, bringing in the New Millennium, the year 2000. Hard to believe that was 11 years ago this Sunday, WOW. (p.s., you should have seen how cute the misses was that night, I can still see her in her little black skirt, clear as day 11 years later!)

Well time to run, take care, God Bless and please keep your wits about you, and when out in public, act and walk with confidence. Criminals are cowards and always look for easy prey, people that look like victims usually are. Once again, sorry for the depressing note but it’s reality and we care about all of you too much.

Have a great day and get ready for the New Year, it’ll be here before you know it, only about 114 hours away!

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