Happy Birthday

Happy birthday sweetheart!  Today is the special day for my husband.  50 some years ago at 8:45 a.m. in a hospital  somewhere in Minneapolis… his mom gave birth to a baby boy….that’s right…the Mister.  Thank you Lulu for raising such a kind, thoughtful,  wonderful, wonderful man.

I got up with him this morning, fed the dogs, made the coffee and helped get the trash out.  These are the things he does for me every morning, so I thought I would give him a break from the morning routine.

He of course has a lot of work to do today.  When I told the oldest that dad has to work most of the day he quickly replied, “What kind of people make you work on your birthday”?  I had to laugh and tell him to study hard.  Also, if he invents something that everyone needs, that might help in the quest to always have his birthday free from work.

We…the kids and I may go sledding or to a movie in order to keep the noise level down while the Mister is on the phone. He still has quite a bit of calls to make before the year ends. Ugg!

Here comes the sunrise.  The snow has a pink hue and the clouds look like they could have inspired Monet to paint.  I love the Colorado sunrises…the sunsets are truly amazing as well.

The boys fought a bit, played a bit and I took them sledding for a bit yesterday.  They were using the snowboard sled and both boys made it all the way down the hill multiple times. They wrestled in the snow and had a pretty fun time.

Tonight we are heading out for a nice dinner out with Lulu, Uncle T. and Aunti B.  We are leaving the youngsters at home with one of their favorite babysitters, Daniella.  She brings over crafts, ingredients to make puppy chow, (a cereal snack for kids) and a full bag of tricks to keep the boys entertained.

We…the mister and I are sitting here tossing around ideas for the new year of our family makeover.  It looks as though getting in the best physical and mental shape we can is the front-runner.  This includes walking the dogs regularly…kids included.  Reading more….watching T.V. less….the gym or the elliptical. Better food…cloth napkins…family meals…biking, hiking, off the couch and into life so to speak.  We will let you all know after we finalize our plans.

For now, happy birthday once again to the Mister and take care…

God Bless,



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