Dropping the car

I’m off in 60 minutes for a quick turnaround to Denver to drop Lori’s car and get a loaner. Should be back around noon. Graduation is coming up on Friday it looks like. We pick up Jag’s cap and gown Thursday. When I get back we’re headed down to the house to fine tune a few more items.

Lot’s of stuff going on needless to say. While we seem to be opening businesses the real threat now is how will the economy recover. I think it’s going to take some time. You need to be prepared for a downturn and figure out how that’ll impact your life. I did get a good start on the garage and talked with James who will come up soon from Denver to get some stuff out of our storage units. I’m going to rent the truck for him and he and Larry will come haul stuff away. Some we’ll try to sell and split the money and other stuff we’ll just donate and he’ll give to people in need. I think Lori is going to continue in the house while I’m gone. The boys need to get on their rooms or else I’ll just be bagging up everything on their floors and throwing it out. Time to go so I can get out of here on time. Time to get some Spring cleaning going! Get on it people. Don’t forget to donate to our bbq fund! God Bless.

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