Yesterday it was a bit chilly but still nice and sunny. Down in Denver though it was a different story. Rain, mist and gloomy best describes the day. I was in and out as quick as I could and home by 2. We’re supposed to stay sunny but with temps in the 60’s or 70’s for the highs and 20’s and 30’s for the lows. This is fine with us as long as the rain and snow hold off for as long as possible.
They started replacing the roof here and are moving pretty fast. It’ll be a week until it’s all done but the old roof is off and the new layer of insulation is on the backside and today they’ll do the front side which is much smaller. Looks like good weather until they’re done, knock on wood.
The boys and Lori are fine, so are the dogs. October is already filled up including weekends. I don’t know how we’re so busy all the time. That’s it, hope all’s well, GB.