Today is Ali’s birthday, it’s also Emma’s. Not sure how old Alison is but Emma is 16, whoo hoo! Hope both girls have a great day.
Yesterday I was in Aspen as advertised and home with ribs from Hickory House by 1:30. Jag ate almost 2 whole racks which was good as it kept me from eating too many. I walked the dogs a few times and did some laundry before we headed out to the vet to get Harley some medicine for her upset stomach. Then we went to Matsuhisa for some sushi. We had a nice time and talked about a bunch of things including college. Looks like we’ll go tour CU this coming week. He and every other kid wants to leave Colorado and spread their wings but at least he’s willing to go see the University of Colorado in Boulder. His friend Lexi who has toured a ton of schools has CU as her second choice. He’s not sure what he wants to do, maybe medicine, maybe investments like Wall Street. I told him he doesn’t have to know right now and just take some time. First step is to see some schools so we’ll tour CU and DU first. He did get his three AP scores back and did well (of course) on all three meaning he already has three college credits!
Lori and Dixie are doing well. I think they hung out and watched movies most of the day. They did have some visitors. I had a dream about my Mom last night so I know how important it is for Lori to go see hers. She does have to get up around 3:30 tomorrow to leave at 4:30 for her 6:30 flight in the morning. She needs to be to work by noon so that’s why the early flight. We’re going to try to get Dixie out here in early August to see the boys as it’s so expensive for four of us to go.
I’m taking the dogs up the hill and then dragging Jag to the gym. Then we’ll get him some breakfast. Time to go, have a great day. Hard to believe in 3 weeks or so it’ll be August. Could Fall be right around the corner? Summer just got here! Get outside before the seasons change. Time sure flies as you get older, wow. God Bless.