No sleep

Jag was gone yesterday from 8:30 in the morning until about 1 am. Oh to be 17, ha. Meanwhile Ty was busy himself but home most of the day. He did go to a movie, Godzilla, at 4. These kids have the life.

Lori and I were working away. I have calls today at 9, 10 and then 11. I’m going to try to go to the gym at 7 but that only gives me 15 minutes to get ready. We’ll see if I make it. I might have to wait until this afternoon.

Tomorrow we’re off to Aspen. It’ll be fun but we do have three parties to go to, 2 dinners and one lunch. Throw in some visits with a bunch of friends and we’ll be busy. The dogs go to daycare today as Mojo has a salon appointment and Harley will be playing away. We’re lucky as they both have fun at their homes away from home.

I guess Tom and Ali’s yard is almost done, can’t wait to see it. Lots of shootings in Denver, nice. How about the U.S. Women’s Soccer team running up the score in a 13-0 game against Thailand. Guess they were pretty classless. You know what they say, act like you’ve been there before, hmm. Lots going on with politics but no point in memorializing the Dems stupidity. They still just can’t accept that Trump won. Of course he doesn’t help with his constant tweeting and comments. What a time we live in. Get ready as it’s only going to get crazier. God Bless.

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