It’s cool this morning and if you didn’t know the date, you’d wonder if we’re coming into summer or into fall. Good news is there’s not any bugs or mosquitos out.
This morning I’m off for a quick turn to Denver, Ty has Deb (his tutor) and Jag is going to play basketball with some guys and one girl. To be fair, Lexi, the girl, is pretty tall. My right eye lid is all puffy as something bit me a few days ago. I’ve been taking Benedryl trying to get the swelling down, ugh.
Lori is off to work as usual and yesterday she had a girl quit who found a job managing a dental practice. At least she gave 5 weeks notice.
Ty and I need to leave in an hour so time to get moving. Won’t be long until we’re headed to Aspen. Hope everyone is well, GB.