Big water

Lori and I made it to Aspen, Jag thinks he did well on his ACT, Ty had fun in town and all is good. Driving to Aspen you go through Glenwood Canyon and you can see how much water is in the Colorado River. Two days ago a guy died right here in town when his raft flipped in the Eagle River. With over 500% snowpack this year, all that water has to go somewhere when it melts and the rivers are running high. We could have high water all summer with all the snow we had. Only time will tell.

Both boys were in town until I picked them up at 9. They hung out with friends as the town is packed and the GoPro Games are a big deal. They’ll probably go back to town today.

Lori’s hair turned out great. It’s always a crap shoot going to a new stylist. She was also done in about half the time as usual and it was a bit cheaper than Denver. Looks like we have a winner!

We have a big week coming up with Aspen Food and Wine. We leave Thursday and will come home Sunday. We had lunch yesterday at Clark’s which is a fairly new restaurant decked out like it’s in Nantucket. It’s obviously seafood and was really really good. We also dropped wine at Ralph Lauren and Kemo Sabe who will both be pouring our products during Food and Wine. Sam, one of the guys from Polo gave me a bag of old books of matches as I have this vintage match holder Chris there gave me from 1904. It’s sterling silver with a buffalo head on it and back then, 100 years or so ago, people would carry their match books in these cases. I joked I’ll need to start smoking weed again so I have a reason to carry it. Anyhow the match books are from 50 years ago or so and many are from Las Vegas. It reminds me of when we were kids as our parents would always bring back matches from their trips and we had a match drawer which was just full of matches. Tom and Robi know which drawer I’m talking about. You could look through them and see where Mom and Dad had gone. It’s always good to have a lighter or some matches on you. Years ago I bought a few cases of the old wooden Strike Anywhere matches which they no longer make. Remember lighting them on your jeans or zipper? For some reason our PC society decided they’re too dangerous for us now. Not sure why.

That’s it, nice and cool today and we’re about to head to the gym. Lori is cleaning in the kitchen and got up and fed the dogs so I could lay around for a few extra minutes. What a good wife, ha, God Bless.

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