Today is Ali’s birthday, hope it’s a good one and you get lots of presents, ha! Check your email! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
It’s been a week since Ty went to camp and we think he returns from his backpacking trip today for a week of activities around camp. Hope he wasn’t in too much smoke. Jag had his first day athe research institute. I think the performed a stress test on a knee joint or something. Lori had a normal work day and I had four conference calls and managed to clean up a bit around here too. Harley did fine with her surgery and will come home Monday. Mojo is wondering where she is and playing with her toys.
We both still have upset stomachs but are getting better. I was doing fine yesterday until mid afternoon and then had a relapse. Hopefully today we’ll both be better.
I think we’re going to try to find a new couch today. The old furniture we have from Moms is pretty old and torn up plus Mojo peed on two of the three chairs. She also had them for well over 20 years. I had to cut off the material that hangs down on the bottom where he peed. We’re going to try to find an inexpensive one that we can use for about a year until we move. We’ll see though as we don’t want to spend a lot of money. Maybe Costco has a deal.
It looks nice outside and not too smokey. It’s going to be hot down in the city so it’ll be in the 80’s up here for sure. Time to go to the gym. Have a great weekend, GB.