Yesterday in practice, Jag had a couple more bumps on his head while fighting for rebounds. Who says basketball isn’t a contact sport. He sat out the rest of practice and is supposed to go to Rangely today but we’re waiting for him to come upstairs to see how he feels. Lori and I made it down to Denver to have a mole removed from the middle of her back that she’s had forever. Ty stayed at school for the girls basketball game until about 6 pm.
It’s snowing and blowing outside right now with not a lot of snow but it is blowing sideways and looks miserable outside. It’s supposed to stop by mid morning and then will probably warm up a bit.
Lori and I tried to get up at 5;30 to go to the gym but didn’t make it. I’ll go after I drop her off at work. Time to get moving as both boys still are not moving. Have a great day and GB.