Last night we won by about 40 points. It was nice to have an easy win. Today there are no games but tomorrow we have two in Rangely. This is about 3 hours away so the boys will leave about 11:30 am and get home around 10:30 pm. Jag had a lot of playing time and played well. He had one block where he again blocked the shot and then pulled the ball down out of mid air. He had numerous other steals and rebounds and scored well too. Obviously winning by 40 meant a lot of our kids played well.
Lots going on in the World but I’m trying to stay away from it all. We had another criminal shoot a police officer last night for no reason. What is wrong with people? Yes it’s expensive up here but thankfully we seem to be a little bit more isolated from this kind of thing happening, knock on wood. There’s a manhunt going on in Denver right by Dad’s bank which is where this happened.
Lori and I are off to Denver this morning and hope to be back up by 2. Jag has practice after school until 6:30 and Ty is done at 3:50. Lori will go to work when we get back up the hill. It’s now 6:45 meaning we have an hour until we need to leave so I’d better get going. Have a great day, take care, be safe and God Bless.