One day is starting to roll into the next. I think I’ve drove to Denver about 10 or 15 days in a row. Every single day something pops up that needs to be handled whether some kind of legal detail or a miscommunication or misunderstanding among one person or another. I didn’t anticipate the shear amount of things that would require attention over the past few weeks.
Two weeks from today is Mom’s service. There’s still details that need to be handled for this as well. At least we have the date locked in. We’re not short on drama up here either. Oh well, as Mom and I always said, you do what you have to do, ha. Looks like Lori will need surgery again to fuse probably 3 or 4 levels in her neck. Dr. C is reviewing her film today and she could be in sooner rather than later. We have to try to get it done in the next 45 days or so at most before our insurance changes and our deductible starts all over. Ty has his cast off but is in a brace for two weeks.
Throw in homecoming coming up for Jag, and his needing a new coat, the day after Mom’s service, and a mandatory training Lori and the entire clinic has the weekend of October 7th and 8th, and we’re super busy. Looks like the weather is changing too. At least the boys are excited for the cold and snow, as their Mom is not!
I need to get some more pictures to post. I thought the obituary would be in the paper today as I gave it to Tom to put up yesterday but didn’t see it this morning. Guess it’ll be in tomorrow. I’ll post it once it’s published. Hope everyone is doing well, we need about 3 or 4 days sleep without interruption but don’t see that happening any time soon. Have a great day, take care and God Bless you all.