Mojo not feeling well

Mojo came home Sunday morning and by yesterday, wasn’t feeling well. He’ll go back to the vet this morning as he picked up some bug at day care and didn’t eat yesterday. We called the vet last night at 8:30 and they told us to just bring him in at 8 this morning. Lori will drop him off as I’ll be on my way to Denver.

Jack and Ty are having fun and Jag went mountain biking yesterday up Meadow Mountain. We’ve been exploring ways to get a cabin up at the ranch. We’re looking at one of those kits that frankly we’ve been looking at for probably over 30 years. I told my Mom, all my Dad wanted was a cabin with a porch at the ranch and he never got it done. After turning 60, I told her I refuse to fall into the same trap. My life long dream has been to have a small place at the ranch with a few horses and cows. I’m going to get it done, mark my words. Here’s one rendering from our buddy Dave at Rocky Mountain Log Homes who we’ve been talking to for decades, check it out.

I love the distressed look as it’s not as “loggy”. These kits are pretty reasonable price wise as it’s the interior like plumbing, electrical and things like water that increase the cost. There are ways to save though like propane, a well, (which my Mom witched 30 years ago!) and solar.  I have a buddy that can pour the foundation and crawlspace which should be 4 feet and carve out a road with a front loader. So, we’ll see. Have a great day, time to get moving so we can get Mojo to the vet and me to Denver. God Bless.

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