Today is a holiday when most of us think of beer, brats and bbq’s. It’s a time honored 3 day tradition that kicks off the summer. I think most of us have forgot or don’t think about the actual meaning of Memorial Day. In previous generations, soldiers or those that volunteered to serve our country, were respected and revered as great Americans. When my Mom was a kid, about the most honorable thing you could do was join the military, it was kind of a right of passage to adulthood. Nowadays it seems everyone kind of ignores or doesn’t pay any attention to the young men and women who put their lives on the line for our country. I think a lot of this is because decades ago it was clear if we went to war, why we went to war. Today it seems we are forced into conflicts that most Americans don’t really understand or support and thus, really don’t support the troops. I think that regardless of the situation, young men and women still putting themselves in harms way, deserve our support and respect. It’s so sad to read the obituaries and see that most of those who die are between 20 and 30 years old. Today no parent really wants their children to join the military when in the 40’s and 50’s, parents would boast about their kids signing up. What’s even worse is the way we treat or take care of those that come home, injured or not. I think this all started with Viet Nam as most of the country didn’t support that war and we really haven’t, as a country, supported one since. So just for today, say a prayer for those family’s that have lost loved ones or thank a vet for their service, as if it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t be enjoying your burgers, brats and beer.
Now onto the day. In honor of the holiday I’m going to give you all a break from politics. Today I want to focus on the older generation, meaning those of you out there older than me! First I think that the younger generation (any of us younger than you!) owe you a big thank you. You see sometime over the last century our society shifted from one that respected and look up to the eldest generation as leaders, to learn from their wisdom and experience, and instead decided to praise the younger more boisterous generation believing they were now the ones with all the answers. (technology has a lot to do with this) For a minute let’s think back throughout history and remember who was looked to for leadership and answers. It was the oldest most wise ones in any society that had the most life experience. Instead today it’s who’s the most charismatic or who talks the best game that sways the people. (ok watch it, I could be heading into politics) I don’t care who you are, if you take two people on this earth, of equal education, I’d usually (of course there’s always exceptions) rather put my stock into the older person who has lived through 30 more years of life that the younger one who talks a good game. It just seems that having lived more life, they’ll have a better shot at having better answers. It’s the old story of when your a kid you never listen to your parents but 30 years later you have this epiphany and it hits you, WOW, they were right! Anyhow specifically to our little clan, I do listen to, watch and hear what you say, even if at times it doesn’t seem that way. They say history repeats itself and if true, which I believe it is, what better thing to do than pay attention to those that have lived through it. (that’s how old you old people are!) So to all my elders out there, thanks for your patience, wisdom and unconditional love to all of us younger know it alls out here. I appreciate your thoughts and suggestions on everything from raising our kids, how to spend and save money, and just how to live our lives in general, your words are not lost.
Ok to yesterday, the misses was pretty much worthless on the couch all day (she could have used some elderly advice on how many adult beverages to have the previous night!) and I wasn’t a whole lot better. She did “man up” and get the kids to the pool but the trip was cut short by the oldest boys ear aches from allergies. One thing about her, she’s always there for the boys! I waited for Comcast to come fix the phones but they magically turned themselves on about 15 minutes before she came home. Today we’re going to do much better! We’re planning on starting the day hiking around Red Rocks, the great natural amphitheater a bit up into the mountains, for some fun and much needed exercise. Then later in the day we’re headed down to Uncle T and Aunt B’s for a bbq with Grandma. The misses is off until Friday and the last day of school, officially, is tomorrow. It’s now 6:12 and I’m going to get to the gym before everyone wakes and the day begins. We’re expecting 90 degree temperatures this week and with snow packs in the 250% range for the year, everyone is bracing for a lot of runoff and flooding. Fortunately we don’t live near any rivers.
I need to squeeze in some work today for my weekly conference call tomorrow. While we’re doing good as a company, we need to do even better. These days you really need to plan and work extra hard as with the economy so volatile, things never go as planned. I still think the economy is in big trouble and implore everyone to get their house in order! Try to get out of debt, cut your spending and save a little bit of money for hard times. (boy have I changed huh?) Personally I think everyone should stock up on food a bit too. When I was a kid I remember my grandparents having their own garden and a well stocked pantry of canned food in the cellar. Today most households would be in dire straights if the grocery stores were shut down for 3 days! Oh well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Lacey is doing well and seems to be back to her old self, and Mojo is as frisky and playful as ever. The garden and lawn is green and it look like a great day. So have fun, stay out of trouble and have a great day, and until tomorrow, God Bless.